What Do I Do If An Inspection Shows I Have Termites?

The answer to this question is really very simple. Do something about it. And quickly. That something usually means hiring an exterminator to have the house treated. Termites, though found in most areas of the country, are most prevalent in the South and can cause major damage to a home very quickly if left untreated. Depending on the severity of the infestation, you may even want to open a few walls to make sure the structure of the home has not been compromised already. This can be done with a small inspection camera. Any exterminator can do this sort of inspection. Regardless of how you decide to go about it though, the advice of our General Contractor here at UniqueVanities.com, where you can find better options than just Sears bathroom vanities, was to not waste any time in taking care of the issue.

Don’t let this be your house!

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