Bathroom Vanity Drawers and Plumbing Cutouts

Our goal is always to have all of our frequently asked questions answered on our site or via this blog. Recently though, one of our gals received a live chat from a client with a question that we realized we hadn’t addressed. The client was under the impression that the bathroom vanities that appear to have drawers do not have working drawers since there needed to be room for plumbing to fit. This is a common misconception. While there are some faux drawers (those that appear directly under where sink basins exist), many of the drawers on our vanities will be working drawers but will just have cutouts inside the drawers to allow space for the plumbing. Check out the picture below. The top drawer in front of the sink does not open. The second drawer features the cut out in the center.  This type of drawer will not allow for as much storage as a drawer without a cutout, but those that have fallen in love with a particular vanity take what they can get!

Plumbing cutout

Do you have any questions you can’t seem to find the answers to? Leave your question in the comment box below, and we’ll answer it in a future post!

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