Mirror and Window Cleaning: We Recommend the E-Cloth!

The E-ClothSince we’re featuring the “best of” everything this month on our blog, we knew we had to start with one of our personal favorites: the e-cloth. If you’ve purchased a mirror from us, you already know all about it (we send it as a thank you gift.) If not though, here’s a little bit of evidence to back why we think it is “the best!”

For starters, we’re all about using less chemicals in our cleaning routines for a number of reasons. Not only is it better for the environment, but oftentimes it’s far less damaging to the surfaces or surrounding areas we are cleaning (think mirror frames, window frames, etc.) Hence reason #1 is why the e-cloth rocks: It uses only WATER. Yes, you read that right, water. No Windex, no vinegar, just good old fashioned H20. Think you can’t get a good clean with water? Think again.

Second, it leaves a streak free shine. We’ve all heard of using newspaper, the dry side of your paper towels, or even a soft cloth, but why use something you have to throw away when you can utilize the same thing over and over again? Every member of our team uses it and LOVES it. I literally can’t remember the last time I used a paper towel on a mirror or window in my house. It’s that good.

Finally for any of you who, at the sight of lint or fuzzies on your mirror or window, go slightly insane: the e-cloth is the perfect solution. Our own boss is an admitted “cleaning freak,” and this product passes her inspection. Because it’s not a micro-fiber cloth or paper product, it doesn’t leave those pesky hairs behind!

Check out her review on Youtube here and pick up your own e-cloth here!

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