Windows in the Bathroom

Bathroom window

Recently, one of our clients called in to ask about what the average sized window in a bathroom should be. Though this question was pretty broad, our Contractor on staff did have a few insights into the answer. To begin he mentioned that the size of the window can really depend on the size of the bathroom. If you are working with a small half bath, it might not make sense to try to fit a window into the project plans. He mentioned that if you can’t fit a window that’s at least 18″ x 20″, then it’s probably not worth it. Additionally, you’ll want to consider what’s on the other side of that window. A window above the bath or in the shower is a great way to provide natural light, but for a person with close neighbors, an additional consideration must be made to what sort of humidity and water resistant window treatment you’ll utilize so you aren’t “baring it all,” so to speak. A good compromise between a window that will provide some natural light and also not expose you to the world are rectangular windows placed higher on the wall, or if that is not an option, a window using frosted glass could always be considered.


Content provided by: Randy Ritzenthaler

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