How To Read The Electric Meter At Your Home


Have you ever gone outside out of sheer curiosity or after a large electric bill for the month to check on the electric meter for your home, only to be completely confused as to what it was reading?  Don’t be embarrassed. Most people don’t even check their meter. And reading it is actually simple! Here’s how! Your electric meters gauge the number of kilowatt hours you are using in your home. In more modern homes, you will find digital meters which read just like the mileage on your car. The ones that still use dials can be a little more confusing. Each dial will be rounded to the lowest number it has just passed. For example, if one of your dials is pointing in between the 6 and the 7, then the read for that dial will be 6. Do this on all dials to get your reading. Next, you can subtract it from the reading on your last month’s bill to find out the actual number of kilowatt hours used for the month! It’s a super simple thing to do that will make you and your family more conscious of the actual amount of electricity you are using and hopefully more mindful of usage in your home! (Especially if you find yourself leaving on those outdoor wall sconces on all day and night!)

slectric meter

Content Provided by: Julia Ritzenthaler


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